G20 Brazil 2024 – Preparatory meeting of the G20 Social Summit in Rio de Janeiro (20/08/2024)

We were invited to participate in a significant event of the “G20 Social” organized by Brazil. This event took place on 20/08/2024 in Rio de Janeiro, city chosen as the G20 Capital 2024 (https://g20.rio), for the same reasons that led us to establish our worldwide operational headquarters (https://Autistan.rio) Here in the same city huh 2017. Continue Reading →

IDA World Bank Meeting 21 on Poverty in Rio de Janeiro

As part of our participation in the G20 2024, We were invited on the day 24 July 2024 for an IDA meeting (International Development Association), which is one of the five components of the World Bank.
The theme was poverty and hunger among populations in vulnerable situations Continue Reading →

C20 / G20 Brazil 2024 – Midterm Meetings in Rio de Janeiro (from 01 the 04/07/2024)

Autistan participated in the C20-G20 Brazil Mid-Term Meetings 2024 in Rio de Janeiro. The event brought together leaders and representatives of various civil society organizations, focusing on key global issues and strengthening collaboration between G20 countries and civil society. Autism's participation highlighted the importance of autism-related issues on the international stage. Continue Reading →