1. Presentation (11/01/2024)
Em 2024, the G20 will be chaired by Brazil.
Within that framework, there are thematic working groups that make proposals to the governments of the G20 countries.
The Working Groups “C20” represent civil society.

“Rio Capital of the G20” – Photo taken today 11/01/2024 by us on Copacabana beach, not far from our Embassy in Rio, To illustrate this article.
The C20 is chaired by the ABONG (Brazilian Association of NGOs).
ABONG's management has informed us that it is interested in our proposal for participation.
More information in our letter below, and the links.
2. Our Thank You Letter and Confirmation
2.1. PDF in Portuguese
2.2. PDF in English
2.3. Text of our letter (for machine translation)
Thanks for your interest in our collaboration., and confirmation
To the attention of Mr.. Henrique Botelho Frota,
Executive Director of the Brazilian Association of NGOs (ABONG)
Em 11/01/2024
Mr. Director
By means of this letter, We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your email response at 08/01/2024, in which you informed us of your acceptance of and interest in our participation.
We are also grateful for the information that has provided us with a clearer understanding of the current state of the Brazilian governmental organization of the G20, compared to the C20.
We are filling out the C20 mailing list form that kindly sent us.
We remain available for any matter related to autism (and also, to some extent, disability in general).
Whereas, during the year of 2024, Rio de Janeiro is “The Capital of the World” On the one hand, and that, On the other hand, Our Worldwide Organization for Autistic People (something very rare) It also has its operational headquarters in Rio, The Theme “C20” It's our priority, making its acceptance particularly valued.
Excerpt from your message:
“On social participation in the G20, The Federal Government committed to expanding channels with society throughout the process until the Summit of Heads of State in November 2017. 2024 in Rio de Janeiro. However, we have no further information on what the Government intends to do for this to occur. We only know what is on the official website of G20 Brazil (https://www.g20.org/pt-br).
About the Civil Society Engagement Group (C20), which is chaired by us at ABONG, We are working to launch our own website and start working groups, which should happen in January. It is in the working groups that the proposals are collectively constructed. Contributions from your organization will be warmly welcomed.”
We apologize for any communication issues, and we ask you to accept, Mr. Director, The Expression of Our Distinguished Salutations.
The Secretary-General,
Eric L.
3.Explicações sobre o C20
Esta página oficial resume o que é o “C20”: https://www.g20.org/pt-br/g20-social
4. Início de nossa participação efetiva em 6 Working Groups (01/04/2024)
Após o lançamento dos trabalhos do C20 na semana passada em Recife, já estamos recebendo documentos e convites do Zoom para os trabalhos dos 6 grupos de trabalho nos quais nos inscrevemos:
GT1. Economias Justas, Inclusivas e Anti-Racistas
GT5. Saúde Integrada para Todos
GT6. Educação e Cultura
GT7. Digitalização e Tecnologia
GT9. Filantropia e desenvolvimento sustentável
GT10. SDG16 – Governança Democrática, Espaço Cívico, Anticorrupção e Acesso à Justiça
5. Novo site do Autistão sobre o G20
Dada a importância desse assunto e a quantidade de trabalho a ser feito a cada ano, criamos um site dedicado: